Thursday, September 6, 2018

happy birthday

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! Fun fact of the week, Elder Holdstock and President Woodward were born on the same day.... only like 30 years apart. haha 

This week we have been having the time of our lives. We have taught lots of people and are seeing lots of progress in so many of them. This last week we found a deaf man named Marcelo. So we are trying to learn signs... but it is hard but he is pretty intelligent and can understand what we are saying anyway. And he also speaks pretty well.

There are some pretty cool moments that you have when you are a missionary, you just have a lot of ah ha moments. Like things just kind of make sense a little bit more and it is kind of hard to explain sometimes.

It happens in life as well I think.. it is like climbing a mountain. It is kind of rough there are some obstacles, obviously it is possible if you have the help you need. And as you start to climb somtimes there are parts where you can see a lot bit more of the panorama, but once you get to the top you have a whole different perspective, even the obstacles you had to overcome don't seem that hard anymore and you can see the whole picture. Pretty cool that we can live that isnt it?

We are teaching lots of really cool people. Milagros and her family. Gloria (we are trying to get her daughter who is 15 to also listen but she is a little more of a rebel), Jeff, Adrian, Nancy and her son, And the list goes on so if you want to keep them all in your prayers the more the merrier!

Sounds like school has started out pretty well! You will have to keep on working hard!

A few weeks ago I had to go do my visa again... So here is a picture of that... 10 points to whoever finds the coolest part.

Elder holdstock

PS. Thank you for the package!! I am wearing the tie right now it is pretty rad!

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